The Johns Hopkins School of Education is committed to assisting our students during challenging times.

Balancing the demands of school, family, and work can be overwhelming. Managing life events can be even more challenging when our time and energy is heavily committed to multiple priorities. As a result, students can experience significant amounts of stress during their education.

Mental Health Services (MHS) Homewood Counseling Center

Students enrolled in in-person programs at the School of Education (SOE) are eligible for Mental Health Services, located at 3003 N Charles St. S-200, Baltimore, MD 21218. They provide a wide range of confidential, goal-oriented services including counseling (for individuals, groups, couples), psychiatric services, workshops, and additional online resources.

A clinician from the MHS Homewood Counseling Center provides weekly Chat with a Counselor sessions for SOE students. During these visits students can ask questions about mental health, learn strategies to manage stress/academics/life, and also learn about mental health resources and support at JHU. Chat sessions are held via Zoom and students can reserve a date and time. Additional services and resources can be found on the Student Health & Well-Being website.

MHS Consultation Services

Students enrolled in programs that are exclusively online are eligible for telehealth therapy and psychiatric services through TimelyCare. If you are enrolled in an online program and have questions about which resources are available to you, call MHS – Consultation Services at 443-287-7000 or email [email protected].

Why Mental Health Services?

Below are some reasons that students seek mental health services:

  • Family/marital
  • Depression
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Life transitions
  • School and work troubles
  • Adapting to a new environment
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Eating disorders
  • Academic performance
  • Grief and mourning


All counseling sessions, except as required by law, are confidential. No one will know you are using Mental Health Services unless you share this information with others, either by verbally discussing your participation or by signing a release of information requesting the program to share information with another party. MHS carefully follows state and federal guidelines pertaining to confidentiality whereby if a counselor becomes aware of harm to self or others, a duty to warn and/or protect may be applicable.

Eligibility and Cost

SOE students have access to different resources depending on their program and location. See additional information about eligibility on the JHU Mental Health Services website.

Other free resources available to JHU students include:

  • TimelyCare: Includes TalkNow 24/7 support. TalkNow is available in multiple countries, with some restrictions. Scheduled counseling is available to students in the U.S.
  • Calm App: Free, premium content including meditation and relaxation practices and tips.
  • SilverCloud: Support for dealing with depression, anxiety, and stress.

Please visit the Johns Hopkins University Student Well-Being website for a full list of resources and details.


Questions? We can help.