Evidence-based policies and practices are the key to improving student outcomes.
Experts at the Johns Hopkins School of Education partner with educators, administrators, school health officials, and community members every day on evaluating what is truly best for students.
Our nationally recognized faculty and researchers have a track record of producing groundbreaking research, insightful analysis, sage guidance, and practical programs that help improve student performance and long-term outcomes, whatever the metric.
With a core belief in pursuing policies and practices that are supported by data, we’re committed to driving evidence-based, positive change in education.
Discover Critical Evidence-Based Solutions
Our Evidence Experts
The Johns Hopkins School of Education is home to a diverse group of scholars, researchers, analysts, and administrators with expertise related to the collection of evidence around educational policies and practices.
Nancy Madden, PhD
Center for Research and Reform in Education
Curriculum Studies
Amanda Neitzel (Inns), PhD
Assistant Professor
Deputy Director of Evidence Research, Center for Research and Reform in EducationAffiliation
Center for Research and Reform in Education
Curriculum Studies, Research, Evaluation & Assessment
Robert Balfanz, PhD
Co-Director, Center for Social Organization of SchoolsAffiliation
Center for Social Organization of Schools, SOE Leadership
Education Policy & Politics, Research, Evaluation & Assessment, Social Context of Education
Marcia Davis, PhD
Associate Professor (Research)
Co-Director, Center for Social Organization of Schools
Director of Research, Baltimore Education Research ConsortiumAffiliation
Center for Social Organization of Schools, SOE Leadership
Learning & Instruction, Research, Evaluation & Assessment
Nancy Madden, PhD
Center for Research and Reform in Education
Curriculum Studies

Amanda Neitzel (Inns), PhD
Assistant Professor
Deputy Director of Evidence Research, Center for Research and Reform in Education
Center for Research and Reform in Education
Curriculum Studies, Research, Evaluation & Assessment

Robert Balfanz, PhD
Co-Director, Center for Social Organization of Schools
Center for Social Organization of Schools, SOE Leadership
Education Policy & Politics, Research, Evaluation & Assessment, Social Context of Education

Marcia Davis, PhD
Associate Professor (Research)
Co-Director, Center for Social Organization of Schools
Director of Research, Baltimore Education Research Consortium
Center for Social Organization of Schools, SOE Leadership
Learning & Instruction, Research, Evaluation & Assessment

Odis Johnson, Jr., PhD
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Executive Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Safe and Healthy Schools
Director, Institute in Critical Quantitative, Computational, and Mixed MethodologiesAffiliation
Center for Safe and Healthy Schools, SOE Leadership
Education Policy & Politics, Measurement & Research Methodologies, Social Context of Education
Odis Johnson, Jr., PhD
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Executive Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Safe and Healthy Schools
Director, Institute in Critical Quantitative, Computational, and Mixed Methodologies
Center for Safe and Healthy Schools, SOE Leadership
Education Policy & Politics, Measurement & Research Methodologies, Social Context of Education