Registration is now open for MEHP’s second biennial conference in Baltimore. Fellows, alumni, faculty, and affiliates are invited to connect at the program, to be held July 24–26 at the Four Seasons Hotel.
The keynote speaker for the conference is Johns Hopkins Professor Emeritus David Kern, MD, MPH, the lead author of Curriculum Development for Medical Education: A Six-Step Approach and one of the curriculum developers for the MEHP program. The meeting will feature sessions on peer-reviewed papers and assessment support; workshops on technology tips, research methods, expedited library searches, and manuscript writing; and private consultations with faculty and workshop experts. Attendees also can tour the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Simulation Center and the East Baltimore medical campus, tour the Johns Hopkins Homewood academic campus and learn the history of the university, visit the bookstores, and attend a Thursday evening social.
“We want to provide an opportunity for our MEHP community to come together to network, establish research collaborations, and advance our skills in teaching, research, and leadership,” says MEHP Director Toni Ungaretti. “We also welcome all MEHP fellows and alumni to the Johns Hopkins community. Because we’re an online program, the opportunity to come together physically and talk, share ideas, and connect on issues of similar interest is a big deal. It allows program participants to work closely with faculty and technology experts to build their skills and support their work so they can become stronger teachers, researchers, and leaders.”
The forum follows up on MEHP’s first conference, held in July 2017, which attracted 66 participants. “It was wonderful to meet the instructors and classmates in person,” one participant wrote in an evaluation. “I got to meet people in the program that I didn’t have any course work with, but because we spoke a common ‘language’ and share a common passion, it was very easy to connect with them,” said another.