Joshua Travis Brown, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Education as well as a Research Fellow with the Center for Skills, Knowledge and Organizational Performance (SKOPE) at the University of Oxford. Rooted in his own first-gen, working-class heritage, his work aims to bring attention to the structural nature of policy challenges to help institutions around the globe better educate marginalized students. Brown’s current book project examines how economic policies have incentivized colleges and universities with limited resources to pursue margins in new markets at the expense of their educational missions.
The direct social impact of his work ranges from the development of new measures to assess student mental health to disentangling the complexity of accountability policies to raising awareness of racial inequalities across learning platforms. Brown’s work has been supported by competitive grants from the National Science Foundation, British Academy, Buckner W. Clay Endowment, and ACUHO-I as well as published in a variety of academic outlets, including American Journal of Education, Journal of American College Health, and Journal of College Student Development.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial leadership; organizational theory; strategic management; sociology of education; higher education public policy; mixed methods research.