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Five full-time promotion track professors, as well five visiting scholars, have joined the School of Education faculty this fall. The new research and clinical academicians brings the total SOE full-time faculty to 55.

“I am very proud that the School of Education attracts some of the nation’s leading scholars and that we are able to provide our students with the best-possible learning experience by ensuring access to outstanding faculty,” Dean David Andrews said. “We are committed to seeing that all children, regardless of where they live, have access to a quality education.”

Promotion Track Faculty

  • David Steiner is the executive director of SOE’s new Institute for Education Policy (IEP). Steiner, who previously served as dean of the School of Education at Hunter College and director of the CUNY Institute for Education Policy, will also serve as research professor. aria-label=”Steiner”
  • Ashley Berner is the deputy director for the IEP and will be an assistant professor (clinical) for the school. Berner was deputy director of the CUNY Institute for Education Policy.
  • Vivian Lee is an associate professor (clinical) in SOE’s Counselling and Human Development program area.
  • Camille Bryant is associate professor (clinical) in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) program. She was previously an associate professor in the College of Education and Health Professions at Columbus State University in Columbus, Ga.
  • Lieny Jeon is an assistant professor of research in early childhood education. She recently completed her Ph.D. and postdoctoral training at Ohio State University.

New Visiting Faculty

  • Karen Karp, visiting professor, was previously a Distinguished Teaching Professor at the University of Louisville.
  • Elizabeth Pare-Blagoev, visiting assistant professor of Mind, Brain, was previously director of the Center for Applied Developmental Science and Neuroeducation at George Washington University.
  • Aparna Ramaswamy, visiting assistant professor in Counseling and Human Development, was previously a JHU faculty associate.
  • Marsha Boveja Riggio, visiting assistant professor in Counseling and Human Development, was previously a JHU faculty associate.
  • Paula Rainer, visiting assistant professor, in Counseling and Human Development, was previously an assistant professor of clinical mental health counseling and progress at South University in Richmond, Va.

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