Cohort 2022
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Education MAT, American University, BA, Psychology, Duke University
Research Interests Teacher training; Teacher growth and development; Improving student outcomes via equitable teaching practices; STEM education

Rachel McClam is a doctoral student at Johns Hopkins School of Education. Her primary research interests involve questions about how we support teachers to make and sustain growth in their practice across the span of their career. In particular, she is interested in ways we can better support teacher growth and development toward equitable outcomes for historically underserved populations, and especially in the STEM subjects. Prior to joining JHU, Rachel spent 6 years as a middle school principal in a Title 1 middle school in Washington, DC, where she was passionate about coaching teachers at all levels of experience to realize their vision for their classrooms and improve student outcomes. Before that, she was an assistant principal, math department chair, and 5th grade math teacher. She holds a B.A. in Psychology from Duke University and an M.A.T. from American University.