Category School News

Johns Hopkins School of Education graduate programs in secondary and elementary teacher preparation have been ranked among the best in the nation by the Teacher Prep Review of the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ).

In its review of 437 of the nation’s graduate and alternative certification programs, NCTQ ranked the School of Education’s Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program in the 99th percentile for elementary education and in the 95th percentile for secondary education. The school’s collaboration program with Teach For America (DC Region) was ranked in the 99th percentile in the Graduate Secondary, Alternative Certification field. (Teacher prep programs in special education were not listed in the current review.)

The distinction is a widely recognized standard of evidence-based, research-driven excellence across numerous factors. The council’s review focused on three critical domains: admissions, content knowledge, and quality of practice opportunities. Investing an average of 28 hours analyzing each program, reviewers scrutinized student assignments, lecture topics, textbooks, degree plans and collaboration with school districts, among other considerations, to assess program quality.

The School of Education’s programs in elementary and secondary teacher preparation include its Master of Arts in Teaching as well as special education and alternative certification collaborations with Teach for America, TNTP, Urban Teachers. Last year, its programs in initial licensure and alternative certification produced more than 450 graduates, most of whom have gone on to teaching roles in urban public schools with traditionally underserved populations.

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