Category School News

Dean David Andrews has named Mariale Hardiman as the School of Education’s new vice dean of academic affairs effective July 1. Hardiman will replace Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy, professor and SOE’s  current vice dean, who is joining the  provost’s office as the vice provost for faculty affairs. The vice dean’ s responsibilities include overseeing policy and practice on all aspects of academic programming, facilitating the faculty promotion process, and ensuring implementation of the mentoring policy for faculty.

Hardiman, currently professor (clinical) and Director of the Neuro-Education Initiative, joined the School of Education in 2006. Since that time, Hardiman led leadership development partnerships with the Baltimore City Schools, and developed academic programs, including the Mind, Brain and Teaching certificate that attracts students world-wide in an  online cohort model.

A former classroom teacher and principal of a blue-ribbon school, Hardiman embarked on a research agenda that includes investigating the effects of arts integration on long-term memory, funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s  Institute of Education Sciences.

Hardiman’s presentations and publications focus on how research from the learning sciences can inform teaching and learning. Her most recent book is Brain-targeted teaching for 21st century schools.

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