On May 23, 2018, the School of Education graduated its first PhD cohort, as Jennifer R. Brodar, Stephanie E. Fakharzadeh, Sol Bee Jung, Elizabeth Kim, and Sooyon Youh Stiller received the university-wide recognition of Doctor of Philosophy in Education. The occasion also marked the largest-ever graduating cohort of the school’s Doctor of Education (EdD) program, with degrees to be conferred upon 41 candidates. (Some candidates will participate in the Jun 4 “Destination Graduation” ceremony, held this year in Dallas.) After the ceremony, the newly minted doctors convened for a lively reception at the Radisson Hotel, Downtown-Inner Harbor.
2018 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Recipients
Jennifer R. Brodar
Stephanie E. Fakharzadeh
Sol Bee Jung
Elizabeth Kim
Sooyon Youh Stiller
2018 Doctor of Education (EdD) Recipients
Christina A. Bifulco
Nichelle-Kyle Edghill Bowes
Susanna Lawrence Brock
Christine Marie Brookbank
Candace Beth Burckhardt
Karen E. Caldwell
Example-based Learning for Information Problem
EuraDell Davis
Lisa M. Devall-Martin
Lauren Sternfield Fagel
Brandon Richard Tadashi Frost
Jonathan Logan Garrick
Janene K. Gorham
Caitlin Marie Gosnell
Aimee E. Herzog-Gruber
Erwin Carlos Hesse
Nikki D. Jarquin
Emily Lynn Jones
Christina Jordan
Jeanine Marie Kandrac
Nannan Liu
Christian German Lorenzo
Molly Annette Macek
Peter O’Neill Moran
Matthew Kalman Paushter
Carol Anderson Pepper
Kelli M. Phillips
April M. Rectanus
Joseph M. Reilly
Ricardo Romanillos
Nicholas Page Schweizer
Michael A. Sciacca
Laura F. Shaw
Brian Stipp
Emmanuel Taiwo
Cynthia M. Webb
Reagan Elizabeth Weeks
Jennifer G. Wildasin
Aaron Mark Williams
Kathleen Lanham Wilson
Gwyneth Winnie Y Wu
Heather E. Yuhaniak