The MEHP newsletter highlights news and achievements of Johns Hopkins Master of Education in the Health Professions students and alumni.

MEHP students and alumni toured the Johns Hopkins Medical Simulation Center in 2017.
MEHP to Host Second Biannual Conference in Summer 2019
MEHP fellows, alumni, faculty, and affiliates are invited to connect next summer as the program hosts its second biannual conference in Baltimore, July 24-26, 2019. The meeting will feature sessions on peer-reviewed papers and assessment support; workshops on technology tips, research methods, and manuscript writing; and private consultations with faculty and workshop experts. Attendees also can tour the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and School of Nursing simulation centers as well as the Johns Hopkins medical campus, visit the bookstores, and socialize at a crab feast.
MEHP Sponsors Booth at AAMC Meeting
MEHP program representatives manned a booth at the annual meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges in November in Austin, Texas. We were pleased to be able to connect with a number of fellows, alumni, and faculty in attendance.
Symposium Proposal Accepted for 2019 AERA Conference
The symposium proposal “The Effectiveness of Health Professions Education Advanced Degree Programs: Exploring Scholarly Approaches to Program Evaluation,” submitted by Toni Ungaretti, was accepted for the AERA 2019 conference to be held in Toronto in April. The symposium will also include the paper “Formative Evaluation of the Masters of Education in Health Professions Education: Insight Gained, Lessons Learned” by Ungaretti, Jessica Harlan, and Sara Katherine Allman from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine’s Office of Assessment and Evaluation.
MEHP GoHopOnline Group
Your Johns Hopkins University worldwide network, numbering over 220,000 alumni, possesses an unmatched wealth of talent and opportunity. Our Alumni Association has developed a way for us to harness the power of that network and easily connect with each other across continents and time zones. is our secure, web-based networking platform that links Johns Hopkins alumni with our trusted university community to help grow and refine personal and professional networks. helps alumni link to former classmates and like-minded graduates, and connect with current students and faculty to expand career connections. To save time, syncs directly with Facebook and LinkedIn, making it easier than ever for us to network together—and to do it from anywhere in the world. We encourage you to activate your profile today, and follow the MEHP group.
Hats Off to Our 2018 Graduates
The MEHP program congratulates 33 students who received their degrees during the 2017–2018 academic year and summer 2018. Following is a list of graduates and their capstone projects:
Michael Amendolah | Talking About Ethical issues in Surgery – Results of a Novel Online Pilot Curriculum |
Yuemi An-Grogan | Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Simulation-based Telemedicine Training Program |
Michael Banks | Interprofessional Education in the Burn ICU |
Bruce Brenner | Assessing Gaps in Surgical Oncology Training: Results of a Survey of General Surgery Residents |
Nicole Chiota- McCollum |
Building Resilience and Wisdom in Clinical and Translational Researchers: A Mixed Method Study of a Pilot Curricular Intervention |
Simon Conti | Crowd-sourced Assessment of Ureteroscopy with Laser Lithotripsy Videos Has a Negative Correlation with Trainee Experience |
David Czuchlewski | Application of Whole Slide Imaging to Pathology Resident “Unknowns” Slide Sessions |
Saira Dar | Saira Dar Cognitive Strategy, Knowledge Structures and Diagnostic Success: Do Different Assessment Methods Match Up? |
Janeve Desy | Improving Self-regulation of Learning Amongst Underperforming Medical Students: An Embedded Mixed Methods Study |
Luba Dumenco | Long-term Outcomes of a Longitudinal Quality Improvement/Patient Safety Pre-Clerkship Curriculum |
Pamela Fazzio | “What Do You Want to Learn or Work on Today?”: Should You Ask for Self-identified Learning Goals? |
Gerardo Guiter | Review of Medical and Health Professions Education Masters in the United States |
Rebecca Hayes | Development and Validation of the Reconciliation of Hospital Medications Survey (ROHMS) Instrument |
Justin Jeffers | Developing an Assessment Checklist for Infant Respiratory Distress Using an Integrative Approach: A Mixed Methods Study |
Ihab Kamel | Cognitive Learning Outcomes and Resident Perceptions of the Systematic Use of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in a University Anesthesiology Residency Program: A Mixed Methods Analysis |
Rose Kim | Assessment of Faculty Development Needs and Faculty Vitality at a New Medical School |
Rory Merritt | Demographics and Career Intentions Related to Primary Care for Graduating Medical Students in Combined Baccalaureate-MD Programs 2010-2017: An Analysis of Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Graduation Questionnaire Data |
Jessica Papillon- Smith |
Understanding Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Training in Canada: A National Survey of Recent Graduates |
Linda Regan | Learning to Learn: A Qualitative Study to Uncover Strategies Used by Master Adaptive Learners in the Planning of Learning |
Joanne Rolls | Curricular Approaches to Transgender Health in Physician Assistant Education |
Jennifer Simmons | Masters Programs in Health Professions and Medical Education in the United Kingdom and Europe, a Descriptive Survey |
Aaron Spooner | Evaluation of the Predictive Validity of a Cardiac Surgery Residency Program Which Utilizes Evidence-based Standardization Admissions Processes |
Eric Steinberg | Assessment of Emergency Medicine Residents’ Clinical Reasoning: Validation of a Script Concordance Test |
Geoffrey Talmon | The Quality of Evidence in Preclinical Medical Education: A Systematic Review of the Literature |
Zhan Tao (Peter) Wang | A Comparison of Video Reflection Versus Self-Regulated Learning to Teach Knot Tying To Medical Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial |
Karisa Walker | Excellence Defined: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Identifying Constructs Relevant to Excellence in Anesthesiology Practice |
Kaitlyn Watson | Should Primary Care Providers Discuss Social Media Use with Patients? Maybe: A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study |