Category Community
Date & Time February 04, 2025, 10:00am - 11:00am
Location Online
Type Seminar/Lecture/Session
Format Online

Are we educating America’s students to be proficient readers?

Join a panel of policymakers and researchers as they react to the just-released National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results in Reading.
Presented by the National Assessment Governing Board, in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy.

What accounts for our results? How could we do better for our children?

Our Panelists:

Carey Wright, EdD, State Superintendent of Schools, Maryland, and former member, National Assessment Governing Board
David Steiner, PhD, Executive Director, Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy, and former NYS Commissioner of Education
Carol Jago, Associate Director, California Reading and Literature Project, UCLA and former Governing Board member
Daniel Willingham, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of Virginia

There will be a Q&A session with an opportunity for you to post questions for the panelists.

Contact [email protected] for more information.