Marcia Davis is an associate professor in the School of Education and has been a researcher at the Center for Social Organization of Schools since 2006. She currently teaches courses in mixed methods and evaluation in the Doctor of Education degree program and advises in the PhD degree program. Marcia has a master’s degree in Educational Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation and a doctoral degree in Educational Psychology. She has conducted research on a range of topics that include supporting struggling adolescent readers, measurement of adolescent reading motivation, and the use of early warning indicators and systems for dropout prevention. She has served as the lead evaluator or co-evaluator on projects through the United Way of Central Maryland, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation. Her publications appear in the Journal of Research in Reading, Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, Literacy Research and Instruction, and The Journal of Educational Research.
Keywords: Absenteeism; dropout prevention; high schools; K-12 education; reading and literacy; motivation.

Featured research articles
Use of an Early Warning Identification and Student Intervention System: A Case Study of Three Effective Promotion Coaches
A computer adaptive measure of reading motivation
An Efficacy Study of a Ninth-Grade Early Warning Indicator Intervention
Implementation of an early warning indicator and intervention system