Hsin-Ya Tang was an Associate Professor and Clinical Coordinator in the CACREP-accredited counseling graduate program at Louisiana State University in Shreveport (LSUS) before joining the Johns Hopkins University School of Education. Her research and teaching foci are qualitative methodology, English language learners, multicultural supervision, counseling techniques, ethics and law in counseling, group counseling, and couple and family counseling.
Tang was raised and received her bachelor’s and master’s counseling degrees in Taiwan. She came to study as an international student in the CACREP-accredited Counselor Education and Supervision Program at Old Dominion University (ODU) in 2011 and earned her Ph.D. at ODU in 2014. Tang believes in giving back to the counseling profession and local and international student populations through teaching, advising, supervision, mentorship, and advocacy.
Keywords: Cultural and linguistic dexterity; Asian American and Asian international students; multicultural and multilingual supervision.