Eric Rice is an assistant clinical professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Education, where he teaches and does research about urban school reform, the social context of education and educational inequities. He serves as program area lead for the Masters of Science, Educational Studies program and leads the urban leadership area of interest in the Doctor of Education program. He also serves is an associate director of the Urban Health Institute, where he provides leadership for the Small Grants Program.
While completing his PhD in anthropology at Johns Hopkins, he began work on a multiyear ethnographic evaluation study of new teacher mentoring in the Baltimore City Public School System. After spending several years in the city schools Department of Professional Development, he returned to Johns Hopkins as the program evaluator for a U.S. Department of Education partnership grant that brought over 700 teachers into Baltimore City Schools. At the end of that grant he began coordinating Johns Hopkins’ educational outreach to the East Baltimore Development project, as well as administering several School of Education programs related to urban education.
His research interests include school funding, teacher leadership, charter schools and urban school reform. Current projects include an analysis of the discourse around school funding in Baltimore, the creation and improvement of teacher professional development modules to help teachers better motivate students and an evaluation of a school-university partnership focused on engaging families in the transition to ninth grade. He also partners with the Makerere University School of Public Health in Kampala, Uganda, on a study abroad program that focuses on public health and education affecting the lives of Ugandan youth.
Keywords: Urban education; school reform; race and diversity; school funding; community involvement; charter schools; teacher quality; teacher recruitment and retention.