Category Research

The journal Teaching Education and Special Education (TESE), which is housed at the Johns Hopkins School of Education, recently received a top ranking by Thomson Reuters in its annual citation report.

Professor Laurie deBettencourt, who is editor of TESE, said its first Journal Citation Report’s impact-factor rating is 0.881, and its ranking is 119 out of 230 journals in the category of education and educational research.

The impact factor is the average number of citations received per paper published in a journal during the two preceding years. TESE’s impact factor means that its papers published in 2013 and 2014 received nearly one citation each on average in 2015. The impact factor is frequently used as a proxy for the relative importance of a journal within its field.

“Academics know how hard it is to even get considered for ranking,” she said, “and then to get a rank the first year that is in the top tier is fantastic.”

The 2016 release of the Thomson Reuters report, with 2015 citation data for literature within the sciences and social sciences, features 11,365 journal listings in 234 disciplines, and 81 countries are represented. A total of 239 journals, TESE among them, were accepted to receive their first impact factor this summer.

TESE aims to improve the preparation of special educators and encourages research on questions relating to exceptionality and the teaching of children with disabilities.

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