While most states legalized homeschooling in the 1980s, Utah formally legalized homeschooling in 2014.


Utah is located in the western United States. Homeschooling, officially called “home school,” was legalized in 2014.


Utah offers one option for homeschooling. Parents seeking to homeschool their students, ages 6 to 18, must complete and file an affidavit of intent to homeschool at their local school district. Once filed, the student is removed from the public education system and is exempt from Utah’s compulsory education law. This policy is different than most other states. Since homeschooled students are exempt, there are no state requirements about instruction time, instructor, subjects, or record keeping. Parents must file the homeschool intent form annually. Homeschooled students can choose to take the state test, but it is not required.

Utah provides access for all nonpublic students, including homeschoolers, to educational opportunities offered at the local public schools. These include sports, extracurricular activities, and courses. Further, all students in the state are eligible for special education services.

State Data

Utah reported homeschool participation for years, but recently stopped publicly reporting. The reason for this change is unclear. During the last school year when data was available, 2016-17, the number of homeschooled students in the state was close to 16,000.

A bar chart showing homeschool rates in Arkansas from 2002 to 2017, with rates slightly increasing from 2005 to 2009, dropping slightly in 2010, then growing steadily through 2017.

U.S. Census estimates indicate that around 5.7% of Utah families homeschooled in the spring of 2020 and increased to 11.2% by the fall of 2020. These are comparable to national estimates of 5.4% and 11.1%, respectively, at this time. Based on U.S. Census data, our calculations indicate that about 6.21% of K-12 students in Utah were homeschooled during the 2022-23 school year, and 5.76% during the 2023-24 school year. Due to survey changes, the data from 2020 reflects the percentage of households, while the data from following years reflects the percentage of students.

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Cross-Sector Comparison

We cannot calculate a cross-sector comparison because we lack information on homeschool participation.

School Choice Context

In addition to homeschooling, parents in Utah have multiple school choice options, including a new universal education savings account called Utah Fits All Scholarship Program, passed in 2023. Other options include enrollment in traditional public schools through inter- and intra-district choice, private, magnet, charter, and virtual schools. The new Education Savings Account (ESA) is available to homeschooling families, although they are reclassified as “home-based” education participants.


Utah could improve transparency by resuming the reporting of homeschool and home-based education participation in the state. Utah could also release more of the information they currently collect from homeschool parents. For example, simply reporting by district on participant number and age/grade would aid in the understanding of homeschool growth in the state and the nation.

Last updated February 2025.